Give » Planned Gifts

Planned Gifts

A planned gift may enable you to make a more substantial gift than you thought you could while satisfying your personal, financial, and philanthropic goals. Unlike cash donations, planned gifts are typically made from assets in your estate, rather than disposable income. There are several ways to make a planned gift:



Giving a bequest through your will or trust offers a way to support Chaminade’s mission for generations while meeting your current financial needs.



Passionate about supporting Chaminade even after your lifetime? It's easy to do with a beneficiary designation. Just name Chaminade College Preparatory School as a beneficiary to receive assets such as your retirement plans, donor advised funds, IRA’s and life insurance policies after you're gone. You simply fill out a form that is entirely separate from your will making this approach an easy way to give.


Not only is it an easy way to give, but it's also flexible—you aren't locked into the choices you make today. You can review and adjust beneficiary designations anytime you want.



  • Contact Julie Lohr, Director of Development, at 314-692-6652 or [email protected] for additional information on beneficiary designations and the importance your involvement plays in educating our students and preparing them to become the world needs them to be.
  • Talk to your financial or legal advisor to learn which assets will or will not trigger taxable income when paid to a beneficiary.
  • If you name Chaminade in your plans, please use our legal name and Federal Tax ID.

LEGAL NAME: Chaminade College Preparatory School

ADDRESS: 425 South Lindbergh Blvd., Saint Louis, Missouri 63131